Saturday, September 28, 2013

Halloween Plate Decals

I decided this year to do four (4) vinyl decals for plates this year for Halloween. You don't have to use the decals on plates. They can be used for other things as well. I made additional sizes if you want a bigger size for something else. Kept the decals very simple, but still cute. Sign up for my newsletter to receive a discount on these decals and future vinyls.

Friday, September 6, 2013

More Baby Sleeping Signs

I love doing and making these little signs. Very creative and unique. The last picture I've already did  "Children" instead of "Baby" in a past post ago. I will post the other signs on the web. I have 4 baby showers (all boys) coming up. I chose the colors for baby boy (but can be use either way) more boyish though. And I tied all the ribbon differently.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Days Until...

 Have I told you how amazing Pinterest and Google are? Lots of great ideas and inspiring ideas. I saw this "Days Until" vinyl idea on Pinterest but the ones I saw were done on chalkboard. Cute idea. I know chalkboard paint, vinyl, and whatever else are in. But you can also use it on glass, like I did. Either way is cute. Chalkboard is cute but it is messy and a pain to work with chalk, in my opinion. Dry Erase is so much easier and cleaner. (I'm a clean freak) Plus you have the option to leave the back out of the frame or put in cute stationary paper or I put fabric. And you can always change it up every month or whatever. Great idea for holidays, celebrations, birthdays, vacations, school, seasons, etc.