How To Apply

You will need the following materials:
Tape Measure or Ruler
Masking Tape/Painters Tape
Applicator/Squeegee (credit card works great!)

1. Clean the area to which you're applying the vinyl.

2. Use a squeegee or rub over the design/lettering firmly.

3. Tape vinyl in place using masking tape

4. Carefully remove the back piece of vinyl, using the masking tape as a hinge.

5. Smooth out with hand, starting from the center, then use squeegee to adhere the design to the area.

6. Carefully remove transfer paper. If vinyl still sticks to paper then just re-rub until it comes off.
*If you don't have a squeegee, you can also use a credit card, ruler, or just about anything with a hard, flat edge.

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