Friday, August 2, 2013

In Case Of Zombies or yard work

I just saw this on Pinterest and had to do it. It's so funny and cute. I love the idea, especially since zombies are "the thing" these days. Maybe I'll do more zombie vinyls for those that are into it. 

Candle Decals

I was inspired on a Pin on Pinterest to do vinyl stuff on candles. I thought it was a brilliant idea. I didn't think vinyl could stick to wax, but it can. If your going to put vinyl on candles, it probably a good idea if the candle(s) are for decor only and not to be used. Otherwise, it would be a hassle to cut it every time you use your candle (you  could I guess). Anyways, great decor idea and gift idea also. I only have some decals but I will do more in the future.